Open Calls for Papers
EPJ ST Special Issue: Advancement in Computational Fluid Mechanics: Bridging Theory and Application
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- Published on 06 February 2025
Guest Editors: Ashoke De, Pratik Das, Nitish Arya, Mayank Verma
Computational Fluid Mechanics (CFM) based design tools have become an essential component of the research and development process in the industry and academia. With the advent of modern computers, it is now possible to develop predictive CFM models that are cutting costs and accelerating the pace of innovation. This special issue aims to showcase the latest advancements, methodologies, and applications in CFM, highlighting both theoretical developments and practical applications. Here we aim to highlight the transformative power of CFM in addressing real-world challenges across diverse fields such as aerospace engineering, bioengineering, climate modelling, renewable energy, and more. The Special Issue invites high-quality original research articles, review papers, and case studies that address the latest advancements in Computational Fluid Mechanics (CFM) and its applications in real-world challenges.
EPJ ST Special Issue: Recent theoretical, numerical, and experimental results on plasma instabilities and their control in Tokamaks in China
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- Published on 26 November 2024
Guest Editors: Zhiwei Ma, Wei Zhang, Chang Liu
Fusion energy has many advantages, such as safety, cleanliness, high efficiency, and unlimited resources, making it the ideal future energy source for humanity. It is crucial for the long-term development of human society. As a result, there is a high level of international attention on fusion energy research, and major countries worldwide have jointly invested over 20 billion euros to construct ITER. Fusion energy research is also highly valued by the nation. China has actively participated in the ITER program and has built several famous Tokamaks, such as EAST, HL-2A, HL-3, and J-TEXT, and has significantly contributed to fusion science.
EPJ ST Special Issue: In Memoriam Hermann Haken: Synergetics and Self-organisation in Complex Systems
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- Published on 28 October 2024
Guest Editors: Axel Hutt, Axel Pelster, Christian Uhl and Jürgen Kurths
With this special issue in The European Journal of Physics Special Topics the Guest Editors would like to commemorate the physicist Hermann Haken who passed away in August 2024 and who was one of the foremost researchers in theoretical physics and complex systems since the beginning of the 1960s. He was the first to describe the solid-state laser by quantum field theory and then ingeniously extended the deep physical insights gained from the laser to diverse complex systems in hydrodynamics, chemistry, biology, neuroscience as well as psychology, sociology, economy and philosophy, thus founding the interdisciplinary research field ’Synergetics’. It is envisaged that former colleagues and various other researchers influenced by Hermann Haken’s work will be paying tribute to this work in this Memorial issue. They are invited to describe recent developments that build on the repercussions of Hermann Haken’s legacy and extend his ideas to new directions. Thus, the Memorial issue will demonstrate the strong significance and breadth of Hermann Haken’s insight in fostering the massive progress in theoretical physics and complexity science of recent and future times.
EPJ ST Special issue: Flexible Electronic Devices: Mechanics Design and Applications
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- Published on 01 October 2024
Guest Editors: Chengjun Wang, Yinji Ma, Rui Li
Flexible electronic devices have significantly broadened the application scope of conventional rigid electronics, especially in the field of biomedicine, robotics, and human-machine interaction, garnering substantial attention from both academia and industries. Examples of flexible electronic devices include soft/stretchable electronics, bio-integrated electronics, flexible energy-harvesting devices, flexible ultrasonic devices, reconfigurable electronic, origami and kirigami-based electronics, flexible metamaterials/metasurfaces, and soft actuator/robots. These emerging flexible devices have undergone extensive development in recent years, primarily employing mechanics design strategies to achieve superior stretchability and conformalability for seamless integration with soft, deformable complex surfaces (e.g., tissues and machines) while maintaining the stable functionalities even under large deformations.
EPJ ST Special Issue: Energy Saving in Physics Research and Applications
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- Published on 23 September 2024
Guest Editors: Jürgen Kurths, Holger Kersten, Harinipriya Seshadri, B. Ananthanarayan
Energy saving is one of the most challenging problems and of highest relevance due to the expected impacts on limiting or mitigating global climate change. While there is a lot of research and development going into novel energy saving science and technology, research itself - both fundamental and applied, academic and industrial - can self-examine its own practices, quite independently of the scale of their contribution, to lead the way in setting, fostering and promoting best approaches and practices in energy saving.
This issue in EPJ ST aims thus to collect papers in which the research community, being active in various academic and industrial fields and institutions, reflects on how to contribute itself, from individual up to most general initiatives to energy savings in daily operations and research work, to the global goal of saving energy resources.
EPJ ST Special Issue: Theoretical Precision Studies of Processes in High Energy Colliders
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- Published on 18 September 2024
Guest Editor: Narayan Rana
Precision physics is at the current frontier of particle physics research. Albeit the grand success of the Standard Model to explain most of the particle physics phenomena, it still remains an incomplete theory due to its lack of success to explain some important puzzles like the existence of dark matter etc. On the other hand, the signatures of new physics remain well-hidden in the haystack of current high-energy collider data. In the search of such signatures, precision studies of both the theoretical and experimental frontier must be performed. The high energy description of the Standard Model is perturbative in nature and the theoretical precision studies involve the computations of these perturbative higher-order corrections. The field of precision studies is growing rapidly and is of great interest to young researchers.
EPJ ST Special Issue: Frontier 24: New Perspectives on the Intersection of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics and Dark Matter Physics
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- Published on 04 September 2024
Guest Editors: B. Ananthanarayan, Biplob Bhattacherjee, Sudhir K. Vempati
The fields of elementary particle physics and astroparticle physics and cosmology have increasingly enriched one another, with models from one field feeding into the others, and also offering constraints on models. Dark matter, dark energy continue to be some of the most important puzzles confronting these subjects especially at their intersections. These fields are growing rapidly and are of great interest also to young and mature researchers.
EPJ ST Special Issue: Collective Behaviors in Complex Biological Networks
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- Published on 20 August 2024
Guest Editors: Sajad Jafari, Fatemeh Parastesh, Tomasz Kapitaniak
Complex networks are prevalent across many disciplines. Network theory offers robust frameworks for modeling these systems. One important aspect is the collective dynamics within complex networks, which refers to the patterns or behaviors that emerge from interactions among individual nodes. This phenomenon can be observed in social, biological, and technological networks. Examples of such collective behaviors include cluster formation, pattern emergence, and node synchronization. Extensive research has focused on analyzing these behaviors in different networks. Beyond the emergence of collective patterns, the interactions' effects on node dynamics are crucial for various applications, such as evaluating system functions and managing or controlling these systems.
EPJ ST Special Issue: Space Manufacturing: Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing
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- Published on 17 June 2024
Guest Editors: Aloke Kumar, Ranajay Ghosh, Seetha Raghavan
Space travel and habitation have taken a renewed vigour in the last few years, spurred by new scientific and commercial breakthroughs in launch vehicles, satellites, payload capabilities and superior ground testing research. Militaries and industries worldwide have joined and reinforced these trends for their missions with multiple new space agencies and mandates set up over the last few years. This has ignited an international race towards exploring all potential applications and uses of the extra-terrestrial environment, ranging from using the space environment for deploying powerful instrument platforms to entirely new concepts on extra-terrestrial production chains. An explosion of new scientific research has accompanied this ‘return to space’ movement. In particular, space manufacturing represents a convergence of various disciplines, including materials science, biology, biophysics, mechanics, and fabrication. It encompasses a spectrum of endeavours, from terrestrial manufacturing for the new space age to in-orbit assembly and manufacturing (ISAM) and manufacturing for sustainable space settlements. Realizing the potential of space manufacturing demands dedicated research efforts in the years to come. The scope of space manufacturing is vast and encompasses numerous possibilities. Space habitats, for instance, could be constructed using materials fabricated in space, tailored to withstand the rigours of cosmic radiation and microgravity.
EPJ ST Special Issue: Evolution of Fractals in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
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- Published on 13 June 2024
Guest Editors: A. Gowrisankar, Santo Banerjee
Fractals and dynamical systems are a two-sided coin which attracts contemporary scientific attention via Chaos. Fractal structures appear candidly in dynamical systems, in particular associated with the phase space and time plots. Further, self-similarity serves as a bridging paradigm between fractal analysis and dynamical systems. On the one hand, self-similarity is an essential trait of fractal sets, along with complex geometric structure. On the other hand, it is associated with an array of symmetries in dynamical systems, for instance, scaling of space or time. As symmetry is a property of many physical laws that regulate the processes described by dynamical systems, it grabs high attention in engineering applications. In recent times, fractal-fractional calculus is getting remarkable attention among the fractal community as it effortlessly applied over the dynamical systems. Applying fractional derivative on the dynamical systems helps to study the memory effects and non-local behaviours of nonlinear systems, whereas the fractal-fractional operators greatly aid to uncover hidden fractal characteristics in the chaotic attractors. Additionally, it generalizes both integer-order and fractional order calculus under certain conditions. Fractal-fractional literature acknowledges a concrete study on scaling and self-similarity appearance in chaotic motions of physical processes besides non-local behaviours. This brief note stipulates exploring the physics behind different evolutionary processes, such as climate dynamics, epidemiology, hydrology, and economics, via the pertinent combination of fractal geometry and nonlinear dynamic models. By providing a powerful visual language for describing complex and chaotic systems, fractals can effectively help to gain a deeper understanding of the system’s underlying patterns and structures.
Topical Collections
Open calls for papers
EPJ AM Call for papers: Themed Issue on Global Advances in Electromagnetic Metasurfaces for Space
Call for papers : Special Issue on Imaging, Diffraction, and Spectroscopy on the micro/nanoscale
EPJ B Topical Issue: High Field Superconducting Magnets: Materials, Technology and Applications
EPJ N Topical Issue on Research Reactor use and projects on modeling and experimental breakthroughs for Advanced Nuclear Reactors
EPJ Plus Focus Point Issue: Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs): Properties, Engineering, and Applications