EPJ B welcomes a new Editor-in-Chief for its complex systems section

EPJB - new Editor-in-Chief Peter Hänggi

The publishers of The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems are pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Peter Hänggi as a new Editor-in-Chief, who will specifically contribute to the further development of the physics of complex systems section of the journal.

Professor Hänggi will focus on statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics while also exploring in more depth the synergies with the condensed matter section of EPJB. The interdisciplinary physics part of the complex systems section of EPJ B is currently led by Prof. Frank Schweitzer.

Peter Hänggi, a professor of theoretical physics at the University of Augsburg, has received numerous prizes and honors. He is particularly well known for his seminal contributions in the fields of Brownian motors, stochastic resonance, molecular electronics and relativistic thermodynamics.

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