EPJD has appointed new Editor-in-Chief Joachim Burgdörfer

Joachim Burgdörfer

It is with great pleasure that the publishers of European Physical Journal D: Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics can announce the appointment of Prof Dr Joachim Burgdörfer (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) as Editor-in-Chief, effective July 1. A long-standing member of the Editorial Board of EPJD, he succeeds Prof. Dr. Andrey V. Solov'yov, who steps down after almost 7 years in the EiC role.

Joachim Burgdörfer is an internationally renowned theorist whose expertise extends over a broad range of subfields covered by EPJD including atomic collisions, particle-solid interactions, ultrafast-laser matter interaction, attosecond physics and quantum chaos. Before joining Vienna University of Technology, he held appointments at the Free University of Berlin (Germany), Oak Ridge National Laboratory and University of Tennessee (USA). He is a Fellow of the APS, a Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Honorary Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Lorand Etvös Society, and recipient of a RIKEN Eminent Scientist Award (Japan). He is currently Chair of the AMOPD Board of the European Physical Society, and one of the goals of his Editorship is to further strengthen the ties between the EPS and EPJD.

Burgdörfer joins current EiCs Sylwia Ptasinska, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA, and Almut Beige, University of Leeds, UK, maintaining the tradition of a diverse team representing the broad scope of the journal, as always supported by a large Editorial Board.

The publishers would like to take the opportunity to publicly thank Andrey Solov’yov for his many years of dedicated service as EiC. During his tenure he has been instrumental in developing EPJD as a venue for fields such as cluster collision science and nanoscale dynamics, and we hope that these links will continue long after his well-earned retirement from the EiC position.

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