EPJE Topical Issue : Microplastics pollution in environmental flows
- Details
- Published on 12 December 2024
Guest Editors: Marco De Paoli, Giuseppe Suaria and Fabrizio Croccolo
Submissions are invited for a Topical Issue of EPJ E on Microplastics pollution in environmental flows.
Microplastics are defined as fragments less than 5 mm in size and made from synthetic plastic materials. They originate from anthropogenic activities such as industrial or household processes and are dispersed in the environment via natural pathways like rivers, oceanic currents and air streams. Microplastic contamination has been going on for decades and has been found in remote aquatic and terrestrial places from Mount Everest down to the oceans and the poles. In the marine environment, microplastics are ingested by biota such as turtles, marine mammals, seabirds, and fish and make their way through trophic transfer to humans, where they may pose health risks. Realistic modelling and measuring the behavior of microplastic particles in the environment, is crucial to better understand microplastic pollution and designing effective remediation strategies.
EPJE participates in a larger effort to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), together with other journals in the EPJ portfolio. Authors contributing to this collection will see their work highlighted as part of the EPJ SDG project on the portfolio website and channels. This EPJE Topical Collection aims to collect contributions focused on understanding the dynamics of microplastics in lakes, rivers, oceans, the atmosphere and beyond. Predicting their fate and movements through ecosystems is crucial to conserve and sustainably use the water resources (SDG14), and to drive sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG12) with indirect positive effects on good health and well-being (SDG3).
The list of the topics covered includes (but is not limited to):
The submissions to this Topical Collection are open to all the researchers who would like to join this project. Original research papers (Research Articles), Topical Reviews, Colloquia, Perspectives Articles, Tips and Tricks, and Roadmap Articles, are welcome (please see the definition of the article categories at https://link.springer.com/journal/10189/aims-and-scope We invite contributors to communicate their intention to submit manuscripts for this Topical Issue to the Guest Editors as soon as possible. Please provide the tentative title of the paper and a short abstract. The full manuscripts should be submitted before the deadline directly to the EPJ E Editorial Office at https://www.editorialmanager.com/epje/.
Deadline for submission: August 31, 2025
Submissions should be clearly identified as intended for the Topical Issue on ‘Microplastics pollution in environmental flows’. Papers will be published continuously and will appear as soon as accepted on the journal website. The electronic version of the Topical Issue will contain all accepted papers in the order of publication. All submitted papers will be refereed according to the usual high standards of the journal. More information about EPJ E, including instructions for authors is available here.
Guest Editors of the Topical Issue
Marco De Paoli Physics of Fluids Group, University of Twente (Enschede, Netherlands) & Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Marco De Paoli obtained his PhD in Environmental and Energy Engineering Science at the University of Udine. He is interested in environmental fluid mechanics and multiphase flows. In 2024, he was awarded with the Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC). He is currently Associate Editor of The European Physical Journal E, and works as Marie-Sklodowska Curie Fellow at the Physics of Fluids group of the University of Twente.
Giuseppe Suaria CNR-ISMAR (Institute of Marine Sciences), Pozzuolo di Lerici, La Spezia, Italy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Dr Giuseppe Suaria is a research scientist at ISMAR-CNR in Lerici, Italy. His work mainly focuses on studying the spatio-temporal patterns in abundance, distribution, composition, transport and accumulation of floating litter, as well as on the harmonization of survey methods and sampling techniques for macro and microplastics in the marine environment. In the last ten years, he has joined more than 30 research expeditions around the world, documenting the occurrence and the impacts of plastic pollution in different ecosystems.
Fabrizio Croccolo Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (Anglet), France This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Fabrizio Croccolo is a professor at the Anglet campus of the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA), France. His research focuses on developing advanced optical techniques to study complex fluids, exploring non-equilibrium thermodynamics, and conducting microgravity experiments. Since 2018, he has served as the Director of the CO₂ES Industrial Chair, dedicated to investigating the mechanisms of CO₂ storage in deep saline reservoirs. In addition, he has been the Chief Editor of The European Physical Journal E since 2020.
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