
EPJ B - Tiling pattern governs quasicrystals’ magnetism

Review sheds light on the underlying magnetic qualities stemming from quasicrystals’ complex structure.

Few material classes have generated as much interest as quasicrystals. In a review published in EPJB quasicrystal expert Anuradha Jagannathan, from Paris-Sud University in Orsay, France, outlines the progress to date in the theory explaining the magnetic properties of these quasicrystals.


EPJ B - Brain capacity limits exponential online data growth

Study of internet file sizes shows that information growth is self-limited by the human mind.

Scientists have found that the capacity of the human brain to process and record information - and not economic constraints - may constitute the dominant limiting factor for the overall growth of globally stored information. These findings have just been published in an article in EPJB by Claudius Gros and colleagues from the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Goethe University Frankfurt in Germany.


EPJ E - Cosmology in a petri dish

To understand long-range interactions between particles at the micrometric scale, researchers utilize methods which are used to study the formation of our universe.

Scientists have found that micron-size particles which are trapped at fluid interfaces exhibit a collective dynamic that is subject to seemingly unrelated governing laws. These laws show a smooth transitioning from long-ranged cosmological-style gravitational attraction down to short-range attractive and repulsive forces. The study by Johannes Bleibel from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany, and his colleagues has just been published in the journal EPJE.


EPJ B - Harnessing the predictive power of virtual communities

Reducing the disconnect between virtual network models and real-life communities.

Scientists have created a new algorithm to detect virtual communities, designed to match the needs of real-life social, biological or information networks detection better than with current attempts. The results of this study by Lovro Šubelj and his colleague Marko Bajec from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia have just been published in EPJB.


EPJ C - "Spooky action at distance" in particle physics?!

Physicists have developed the first conclusive test to better understand high-energy particles correlations.

Researchers have devised a proposal for the first conclusive experimental test of a phenomenon known as "Bell’s nonlocality". This test is designed to reveal correlations that are stronger than any classical correlations, and do so between high-energy particles that do not consist of ordinary matter and light. These results are relevant to the so-called "CP violation" principle, which is used to explain the dominance of matter over antimatter. These findings by Beatrix Hiesmayr, a theoretical physicist at the University of Vienna, and her colleagues, a team of quantum information theory specialists, particle physicists and nuclear physicists, have been published in EPJC.


EPJ E - How to build doughnuts with Lego blocks

Controlling forces between oppositely charged polymers opens a new route towards creating vectors for gene therapy

Scientists have uncovered how nature minimises energy costs in rings of liquids with an internal nanostructure made of two chemically discordant polymers joined with strong bonds, or di-blocks, deposited on a silicon surface, in an article published in EPJE.


EPJ B - New model for epidemic contagion

Figure by Vladimir Golovin/

Improved estimates on the geographical spread of infectious diseases are achieved by studying human mobility networks

Humans are considered the hosts for spreading epidemics. The speed at which an epidemic spreads is now better understood thanks to a new model accounting for the provincial nature of human mobility, according to a study published in EPJB. The research was conducted by a team lead by Vitaly Belik from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, who is also affiliated with the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Germany.


EPJ B - Towards high-temperature superconductors

Scientists produce a new type of superconductor by manipulating graphene, the study of which led to a Nobel Prize

Chinese scientists have manipulated the charge and the degree of freedom, known as spin, of electrons and their associated magnetic properties in a single-layer carbon material called graphene, making it suitable for applications involving superconductivity, a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which electrons travel in a material with no electrical resistance. These findings have recently been published in an article in EPJB by Chunxu Bai from Anyang Normal University and colleagues from the Henan Institute of Science and Technology in Xinxiang.


EPJ A - Vector Correlators in Lattice QCD: Methods and Applications

Vacuum polarisation, the modification of the photon propagator due to virtual electron-positron pairs, is one of the first quantum loop corrections encountered in field theory. In both QED and QCD it causes the running of the appropriate fine structure constant as the physical scale is varied, and also corrects the magnetic moments of electrons and muons from the value 2 predicted by the Dirac equation.


EPJ D - Largest ever gas mix caught in ultra-freeze trap

Towards a better understanding of subatomic particles using a new cold-atom setup

A team of scientists have made it easier to study atomic or subatomic-scale properties of the building blocks of matter (which also include protons, neutrons and electrons) known as fermions by slowing down the movement of a large quantity of gaseous atoms at ultra-low temperature. This is according to a study recently published in EPJ D as part of a cold quantum matter special issue, by researchers from the Paris-based École Normale Supérieure and the Non-Linear Institute at Nice Sophia-Antipolis University in France.


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